David Hansen

David first connected with Pathways Clubhouse back in 2004, as the member responsible for Learning & Development at the Richmond R.C.M.Police, through a partnership that saw Pathways’ Members and Staff provide a series of introductory interactive information sessions for local Law Enforcement, designed to increase awareness and reduce stigma associated to mental health issues.

As a member of the Board of Directors for Pathways Clubhouse, David was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Clubhouse International 2017 World Seminar held in Detroit, MI (September 2017), and was a panel presenter on a session related to Board Selection and Utilization. His “connection” to Connections Place first began in June 2015, as the Emcee for the Moms Like Us – Clubhouse Builder (Launch) Gala, held at the UVIC Faculty Club. There David presented to, and met with, the Chiefs of the Regional Law Enforcement agencies in attendance.

He has continued to support Connections Place, emceeing the Annual Growing Connections – Friend Raising Gala, in November 2022. He has continued to offer his support to Connection Place, behind the scenes, and has attended the Connections Place Clubhouse location(s) on a number of occasions. Most recently, David has set out to “re-ignite” the relationship with local Law Enforcement agencies.

Michael Priest

Mr. Priest graduated from the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Prior to university he filed for his first patent at 19 years old. He then worked in the telecommunications field for over 28 years with Telus. Prior to co-founding Lite Access Technologies in 2005, and then taking it public 2015 on the TSX-V and NYSE BB, Mr. Priest held various senior management positions in the telecommunications field including, Vice President of Sales for Teraspan Networks, and Telos technologies. There he managed international sales and was a key contributor to the engineering and design of fibre optic networks globally. He also sat on the economic advisory board for the City of Richmond, BC. for 8 years and was an active big brother for 20 years. He has also completed 50+ telecommunication, engineering and business courses over the past 20 years. Mr. Priest was a finalist for EY’s Entrepreneur of the year in 2017 where he was runner up. He is currently the Director of Catapult Industries, a entrepreneur launch company, a board member of Pathways clubhouse and the President & CEO of H2O leak detect.

Ashley MacDonald

Growing up with an anxiety disorder, Ashley intimately understands how mental illness can cast shadows over one’s life, dampening their spirit. Initially embarking on a career in journalism, she found herself redirected towards employment services through a stroke of serendipity. Her current role revolves around aiding individuals with disabilities in their pursuit of entering or re-entering the workforce.

Through her experiences, Ashley has witnessed the profound significance of providing a safe harbour for those living with disabilities, serving as a guiding light amidst the often daunting challenges they face.

Outside of work, Ashley shares her life with her father, son, and a beloved tiny dog.

May Han

May Han is a Finance Director with a Canadian institutional investor.  She has responsibility for finance, reporting, regulatory and compliance, strategy, risk management, and internal controls. Previously, she held Director of Finance roles with provincial pension plans administrators, pension fund manager, and invested time in public accounting practice. She holds a Bachelor of Management, Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation, and Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation.

May is passionate about Connections Place’s vision and mission. Connections Place continues to make important contributions in advocating and advancing the needs and interests of the members they serve, and with meaningful impacts in the community. She is proud to serve and represent Connections Place.

Adrian Maclaren

Adrian has a strong personal and professional interest in mental health and helping others who have been impacted by mental health challenges. He strives to reduce the stigma around mental illness.  On a personal level, he has lost family to a mental health illness, and he has other friends and family that are being affected by mental health challenges.

Adrian graduated with a Doctorate of Pharmacy from UBC in 2019 and has been practicing as a pharmacist in the Greater Victoria and Cowichan valley region since.  He currently works providing medication management and oversight to vulnerable and complex populations in the downtown core.  He enjoys this work immensely, as he finds it rewarding to take a harm reduction approach to help people with their recovery from addiction and mental health.

Adrian also holds his Real Estate License, and with that capacity, he enjoys working with people to find them suitable housing within their budget.

In addition to his work activities, Adrian enjoys being physically active, travelling, and giving back to my community in meaningful ways.

Claire Skillen

Claire is passionate about reducing stigma and increasing support for those experiencing mental health challenges. She has personally lost friends to mental health crises and has several people in her life who have been and continue to be impacted by mental health challenges.

Claire is currently self-employed in the technology sector as a senior consultant through her own company Ceascape Solutions Inc.; she is a passionate supporter of women (including transgender and non-binary) in STEAM. Claire is currently working towards her master’s degree in counseling psychology, with a focus on complex trauma and client-centered therapies for depression, anxiety, and burnout. Outside of work and studies, you’ll find her paddling her outrigger canoe, cold water dipping, on the hiking trails, and taking photographs. Claire is grateful to serve her community through Connections Place!

Jackie Powell

Jackie has attended New Clubhouse Development Training in Fort Wayne, Indiana and has also visited Clubhouse in New York City.  Her background includes property management and administrative skills (BC Transit, Camosun College and BC Ministry of Agriculture). She volunteered at Victoria Women’s Transition House until her son’s illness required her time.

Alexandra Ashby

Diagnosed at a young age with anxiety and depression disorder, Alexandra knows firsthand what it’s like growing up in Victoria with mental health issues. She helps Connections Place with her experience and education from the University of Victoria, where she received a Bachelors in Anthropology. She currently works as an artist, while studying to assist people as a weight-management counsellor.

Sandy McManus

Through Sandy’s long-time career as a Realtor, she’s had the good fortune to meet and work with people from all walks of life. As a compassionate community minded individual, she’s encountered many families struggling with mental illness. As she gets to know these families, she’s been astounded to learn how difficult a task it is to try to find ways to help their loved ones, who are suffering and whose futures seem so bleak.

Sandy and her family have their own personal experience spanning over many years with a beloved sister, who suffers relentless pain since being injured in a car accident, with a multitude of complex issues that have developed since. For that reason, she knows first-hand how daunting this task is. Sandy strives to be of service to Connections Place to bring about brighter and healthier futures for many people and their families.

Cherry Lynn Brown

With a degree in Sociology at York University, ON, Cherry Lynn has worked as a social worker, school teacher, school aide, and was an owner/operator of a small business. She’s been a member of the Unitarian-Universalist community her entire life. Cherry Lynn embraces Buddhist philosophy, the guidance of reason and the results of science, and believes firmly in the inherent worth and dignity of all persons and social justice for everyone.

She served as a member for 4.5 years on the Victoria Mental Health and Substance Use Advisory Committee, and the BCSS Victoria Board of Directors. She co-founded our society in March 2014, and has worked in this important grassroots advocacy initiative toward the establishment of a Clubhouse International in the GVA since that time.

Cherry Lynn looks forward to the day when the community at large opens their hearts with compassion and understanding, and then supports the need for this program to nurture people who are suffering from mental health problems of all types. Cherry Lynn looks after her 25-year-old son, who lives with her.

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Growing Connections Gala

Date: Tuesday, October 8

Where: University Club of Victoria

Time: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

