Join us for our FREE Clubhouse Informational Session November 17, 2016

Clubhouse International Informational Event is brought to you by the Connections Place Society

Mental illness affects one in four people according to the World Health Organization.

Mental disorders can affect children, teens and adults from any background and both genders.  Lack of knowledge is one reason why mental illness is put on the back burner and not receiving adequate funding or evidence-based care.

Stigma is another reason – stigma has deep roots and will affect the care you receive, your housing, education, employment and relationships – basically your whole life.   That is why we need a Clubhouse International to break down the stigma walls.

This is why it is imperative you come to our event on November 17th in Victoria, BC

Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:

Thursday, 17 November 2016 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (PST)

Please arrive at 3:30 and have a chance to mingle and join us for light refreshments.

Uptown Mall (The Point – Above Best Buy)
3440 Saanich Road (enter parking from Saanich Rd)
Victoria, BC V8Z 0B9

We need this vital program because it is unique and will complement existing services. How is it different?  It has proven itself since 1948 and has received the Conrad Hilton Humanitarian Award.  You can see it in operation in Richmond BC and their societal return on investment is $14. saved in societal costs for every $1 invested in the clubhouse. This scientifically proven model helps over 100,000 people worldwide each year!

Come and learn first hand why Clubhouse International is so successful and why it has grown to 330 Clubhouses globally.  Clubhouse helps young adults to older adults and every age in between.  You will learn how staff is trained to find individual’s strengths and develop them and meanwhile guide that person to social inclusion.

Connections Place will complement the existing services and offer a choice to individuals who are recently diagnosed – helping them before intensive emergency services are needed.  So please join us and hear from two Clubhouse International’s how their model fits into their community.  Learn what Seattle is doing to bring a Clubhouse to their downtown.

This will be an engaging and informative two hours you will not want to miss! 

We can’t afford to ignore this problem any longer:  The Canadian Mental Health Association reports that the impact on our economy is over $50 billion annually; and of the 4,000 Canadians who die as a result of suicide each year, most were facing a mental health condition or illness.

Clubhouse International is the best-kept secret in the world and we want to share it with you – please come and bring your friend, neighbors and family!

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Growing Connections Gala

Date: Tuesday, October 8

Where: University Club of Victoria

Time: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

