Virtual Event: Open Mic Night with Putnam House


4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Message from Putnam House:

We had such positive feedback from our recent “Clubhouse Got Talent” and have been asked when our next will be! Our community thought it would be fun to host an Open Mic Night on June 5th from 4pm-7pm PST for the Clubhouse International Community. We had at one point 90 people on the Clubhouse Got Talent Zoom, and our goal is to reach 100. Together we are making Clubhouse History.

Members will have the opportunity to showcase a variety of talents, and we also will not need anyone to RSVP before the event. All we ask is you show up and let us know you would like to perform :).

Connect to this event using the Zoom app:

  1. Click this link at the scheduled meeting time:
  2. If prompted, enter this meeting ID number: 442 248 613
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